Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Deep Blue Rub {Not just for achy muscles}

Last week I got bit on the back of the hand by a deer fly. Those suckers hurt when they bite. With in 4-5 hours my hand was so swollen I couldn't close it all they way and it ached. I took a benadryl, put ice on it and was out like a light......benadryl and I don't mix, it knocks me out hard.

The next morning it was worse so I headed to my Dr. office. I was told that there wasn't anything they could do for me because I was still nursing. They suggested I keep taking benadryl and putting ice on it and if it wasn't better in a week come back in.

Thanks but no thanks. My hand looked like a blown up medical glove. So I did a web search for doTERRA oils to use for bites. Top suggestion: Lavender. I had already been using Lavender every few hours to keep the itching under control but it hadn't helped with the swelling. That's when I had an idea..........

I was pretty sure the swelling was some sort of inflammation. Every ingredient in the Deep Blue Rub has anti-inflammatory properties. It was worth a try. I applied the Deep Blue Rub to the back of my hand every 3 hours. By the third application the swelling was 90% gone and by the next morning my hand was 100% back to normal. No swelling at all!

Essential Oils: 1
Modern Medicine: 0

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